Man-made jumps banned in the Rockies

official_skiru Лента автора 23 Октября 2007 (15:22) Просмотров: 39 0
Resorts of the Canadian Rockies Inc (RCR) is removing all man-made snow jumps from its resorts for safety reasons. Will these become a thing of the past? The resorts include Lake Louise, Fernie, Kimberley, Nakiska, Mont-Sainte-Anne,and Stoneham. The company is citing safety reasons for the removal, “We are undertaking an industry-leading initiative,” says Matt Mosteller, Senior Director of Business Development for Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. “We have found that one of the main issues that increase the likelihood of serious injury on our mountains is big air.” ON THE PLUS SIDE At the same time the company is increasing their investment in new rails and features for their existing terrain parks in Lake Louise, Fernie and Nakiska. They have also created new ‘family-friendly’ terrain parks, which feature small rails, boxes and rollers. According to the RCR website, the aim behind them is “encouraging learning, safety and fun in a non-intimidating environment.” Feedback on the snowboardclub.co.uk chat forum reveals that some UK boarders are concerned about where the initiative could lead, such as a ban on half-pipes. Others have expressed concern about ‘homemade’ kickers being built instead which are even more unsafe, The move is clearly provoking strong reactions, amongst the snowboarding community in particular.