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Sego Gnarwhal 2018/2019

Назначение: All Mountain
Уровень катания: Начинающие, Продвинутые

The Gnarwhal is a versatile ski that can handle almost any snow condition, whether you are on the east coast or in Utah. The Gnarwhal generates power from its 4mm of camber and its flat rockered tail, yet the Gnarwhal floats like a dream with the low rise rockered tip. With a full length vertically laminated Poplar core and Dampening rubber, combined with progressive shaping, the Gnarwhal offers Superior floatation for a 98mm underfoot ski. The Gnarwhal is a one ski quiver for skiers who are looking for an engaged feeling both on and off piste with its edge to edge quickness that can only be offered by a sub 100mm underfoot ski. 

Ростовки 157165171176
Радиус бокового выреза, м 16
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Цена: от 799$

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