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Sego Prospect 98 2018/2019

Our backcountry ski was designed with feedback from a Jackson Hole Mountain Guide and a crew that spent their spring prototyping while skiing the Teton's high and exposed descents. The Prospect 98 prioritizes steep slope reliability with predictable pin tails and a long running, stable camber zone. Its reasonable waist width and our poplar core construction will keep your legs fresh on the way up. An awesome side effect of this design is that it also turned out to be a great all mountain ski. Because the guys were more concerned about stability during descents, this ski is totally bomber and is built with construction that stands up to the resort. It's a blast in the moguls, arches big turns with a long turning radius, floats better than any 98 underfoot ski we've skied before, and slides around with its pin tail when you need to dodge trees.

Ростовки 176181187
Радиус бокового выреза, м 24
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Цена: от 799$

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