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Stockli Team Stormrider 2017/2018 (отзывы: 0)
Learning to ski in powder can be easy. Even first turns are exhilarating with the Stormrider Team. Its lightweight construction with a twin rocker gives the ski for optimum flotation.…
Назначение: Фрирайд универсал
Уровень: Начинающие
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 138, 148, 158, 168
Stockli Stormrider 85 Motion 2017/2018 (отзывы: 0)
A true all-rounder among women's skis. Far from the groomerspistes, it conquers any ascent. With lots of float, it is exhilarating in powder—and performs with typical Stöckli characteri…
Назначение: Фрирайд универсал
Уровень: Эксперты
Пол: Женские
Ростовки: 159, 167, 175

Stockli Stormrider 83 2017/2018 (отзывы: 0)
A loyal companion throughout the touring season — that is the new Stormrider 83. With our lightest double Titanal construction, it is ideally equipped for both the ascent and the descent. You…
Назначение: Фрирайд универсал
Уровень: Эксперты
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 166, 174, 182
Stockli STORMRIDER 88 2017/2018 (отзывы: 0)
The possibilities are simply endless with the Stormrider 88. We couldn't top its solid construction, but we were able to make it lighter. This makes for pure enjoyment in all types of terrain. The…
Назначение: Фрирайд универсал
Уровень: Эксперты
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 168, 177, 186

Stockli Stormrider 97 2017/2018 (отзывы: 0)
The Stormrider 97 is the new star in the backcountry range. Its light weight provides excellent climbing features with shorter ascents while optimum float brings maximum fun on the downhill – a …
Назначение: Фрирайд универсал, Скитур
Уровень: Эксперты
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 168, 177, 186