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Majesty Local Beauty 2018/2019 (отзывы: 0)
Local Beauty have a soft and forgiving directional flex, they are also lightweight and responsive thanks to poplar and ash woodcore. The full camber construction allows for an increased edge-hold, be…
Назначение: Парк и пайп
Уровень: Продвинутые
Пол: Женские
Ростовки: 150, 160, 168
Majesty Supernova SL 2018/2019 (отзывы: 0)
Supernova hits all the marks as a stand out performer from shrilling hardpack to floating through powder and with its remarkable edge grip it skis extremely well in all conditions. We have equipped o…
Назначение: Скитур
Уровень: Продвинутые, Эксперты, Спортсмены
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 169, 177, 185

Majesty Supernova LTD 2018/2019 (отзывы: 0)
Supernova hits all the marks as a stand out performer from shrilling hardpack to floating through powder and with its remarkable edge grip it skis extremely well in all conditions. We have equipped …
Назначение: Фрискиинг - Big Mountain, Фрирайд универсал
Уровень: Начинающие
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 169, 177, 185
Majesty Hypernaut 2018/2019 (отзывы: 0)
These new, state-of-the-art 3D skis let you take your powder skiing to entirely new places even if you have to get there through hard packed and sketchy terrain. Our inspiration comes from studying t…
Назначение: Фрискиинг - Big Mountain, Фрирайд универсал
Уровень: Начинающие
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 178, 186