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Stockli Laser SL 2017/2018 (отзывы: 0)
For precise skiers and turn enthusiasts: The Laser SL guarantees playful ease on short, fast turns - even on hard, icy pistes. Its radius can be determined and controlled very well. When on the piste,…
Назначение: Карвинг, Слалом
Уровень: Эксперты
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 150, 155, 160, 165, 170
Stockli Laser GS 2015/2016 (отзывы: 0)
On the piste, get set, go! This modern Race Carver with VRT Technology first unfurls its extraordinary qualities on mid-radius to sweeping long turns. It remains very stable and precise even at high s…
Назначение: Карвинг, Слалом-гигант
Уровень: Эксперты
Пол: Унисекс
Ростовки: 165, 170, 175, 180, 185