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→  Majesty
→  Local Hero
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Majesty Local Hero 2011/2012

Назначение: All Mountain
Уровень катания:
Ростовки:150, 160, 168
Local Hero give you the feel of wood core, versatility, camber edge-hold, riding stability and enchanted carve abilities and pop. They support all-round fun, regardless of conditions and terrain features.Геометрия: 116-82-111
Радиус бокового выреза: 15,6m; 17,7m
Ростовки: 150, 160, 168
shape: directional twin tip
flex: directional
flex ratio: 4
fiberglass: triax
core: tip-to-tail woodcore (poplar and ash)
base: durable base IS4400

Ростовки 150160168
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